April 2012, Newsletter IIGDT
IIGDT Minnesota Seminar Series

Instructor Model Set

PQI Training

2012 is an exciting time for GD&T Training in the Mid-West. IIGDT and Productivity Quality Inc. have partnered to offer several training programs to advance and help reduce quality related problems within your organization.

PQI brings to the table not only a world-class training facility, but true knowledge in manufacturing, CMMs and the application of GD&T and contract inspections. Courses are taught by Dr. Greg Hetland and IIGDT training PQI personnel.

Upcoming Seminars include:

May June
Intro to Mechanical Drawings & GD&T GD&T Tol. Optimization & Analysis
GD&T Intermediate Principles  
GD&T Advanced Applications  
August September
Intro to Mechanical Drawings & GD&T GD&T Tol. Optimization & Analysis
GD&T Intermediate Principles  
GD&T Advanced Applications
Intro to Mechanical Drawings & GD&T  
GD&T Intermediate Principles  
GD&T Advanced Applications

The Power of In-House Training
IIGDT Consulting

Travel to Seminars often held in remote cities weigh heavily on the justification for training. Additional considerations are number of participants that require training to truly adopt GD&T across the companies landscape from design to purchasing and manufacturing finally reaching into the quality department. Plus to be totally effective, the gap between what your company understands of GD&T must also be in the vendors vocabulary so everyone is speaking the same.

The popularity of in-house sponsored training is on the increase. Training programs can be tailored and focused on your business where a general public seminar is broad based. IIGDT has delivered many in-house programs throughout the world. The basis for the 8-Tracks to GD&T Expertise can be a foundation and demonstrates a blueprint of who should be trained and why.

Finally, what better platform to bring your key personnel together with your vendors? Often the impact of proper GD&T compliance is not carried through all channels of manufacturing. Inspecting outside production should not be exercise of inspecting in quality. Your suppliers are as key to your success as your own personnel.

Production Chain
IIGDT has developed a multi-step Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Seminar Series built upon years of proven experience in training new users in the fundamental to advanced topics of GD&T.
IIGDT Seminar Series are currently provided in California, North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. Seminars in support of your business are provided throughout the world where the important of GD&T built into your products are required. Contact IIGDT for current locations and availability.
Visit our GD&T Seminar Schedule Page for a current listing of our Seminar dates.
Contact Information:

Dr. Greg Hetland
Phone: (612) 670-9311
Fax: (612) 395-5405

12159 Quail Ave., Lane N
Stillwater, MN 55082