Business Transformation
(Explanation of Graph)
Given the criticality and current state of negative industrial impact
throughout the world, it is vital that necessary attention be focused on
essential investments to realize optimal financial return. For any
company to achieve optimal return on future investment, it is believed
that a Business Transformation is required.
This visual graph represents the components of a Business
Transformation for which industry must be educated to integrate within
each mechanical technology company. This Business Transformation
represents three key components: 1) Dimensional Management, 2) Physical
to Functional Hierarchies and 3) Uncertainty Management. Dimensional
Management represents the overall management of physical geometry at the
component and assembly level. Physical to Functional Hierarchies
represent the understanding and comparison of physical geometric
characteristics that directly impact functional parameters, which allows
the understanding level of contribution for each physical parameter.
Uncertainty Management is a system of analysis, which allows
understanding the level of contribution for all physical and functional
parameters of interest.
Also included in this visual graph are key Technology
Challenges/Constraints for which industry currently faces, along with
key Business Challenges/Constraints each is burdened with. The end
result of both types of challenges and constraints is the financial
necessity to accept and drive this Business Transformation.
Internalizing this transformation will result in an overall Quality
Transformation, and thus a Formula for Quality. This transformation
will apply to all technical departments and must become a way of life.
The foundation of this transformation is a solid training initiative of
Precision GD&T, allowing everyone involved to have foundational
competencies at appropriate levels to efficiently perform their job
function. Given the broad array of job categories, it is critical to
understand the appropriate level of training for each individual to
ensure their targeted investments reap optimum results and maximum